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Data Requirements for Healthcare Organizations

How does SylogistService fit into the transformation strategy for your healthcare organization?

Partnering with SylogistService, a Gold Partner with Microsoft - the only cloud provider with tools and platforms across productivity, insights and collaboration.  Our alignment with Microsoft means we access all of this powerful technology when building effective solutions for Healthcare Organizations like yours.

People and process come first.  We take a consultative approach to understand your organizations needs.  Ensuring your concerns are being heard and solutions are being discussed, not prescribed.

Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare

Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare provides trusted and integrated capabilities that make it easier for organizations to create personalized patient experiences, given health teams connected and secure collaboration tools, and adopts data standards that are important to healthcare.

Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare is built on a foundation of protecting health information, while providing more efficient care.

Enhance Patient Engagement

Deliver personalized experiences to engage patients in secure, individualized encounters through every point of care.

Empower Health Team Collaboration

Connect, engage and efficiently manage your healthcare workforce with tools that help them provide the best possible care.

Improve Clinical & Operational Insights

Leverage insights to improve patient care by connecting data from multiple sources and using predictive analytics for data modeling and identifying critical trends

Internal and External Data

Many organizations have internal data in silos, managed in multiple systems.  In many cases, healthcare organizations cannot share data between different systems, which leads to duplication of data.  Once duplicated, data freshness comes into question and raises trust concerns.  lacking a single source of data truth leads to delays in generating timely and trustworthy insights.

Insight Generation

There has been more data generated in the past 3 years compared to the last 30 years, both in volume and variety.  In addition, your data may be structured or unstructured making it harder to process and generate insights at scale.  The inability to tap into this data has created "dark data" - data that companies have not yet analyzed to generate potential insights.


A lack of governance (ownership of data) policies and enforcement is leaving organizations open to compliance risk.  Healthcare organizations need to spend a lot of energy and effort to ensure they are compliant with the laws and their data is secure



Organizations are not treating data as a strategic asset.  When organizations are not prioritizing data, the ability to make data-driven decisions lags behind.  Staffing and hiring for data talent is a significant factor that influences the data culture of an organization





As healthcare providers embrace new business models, like telehealth and virtual patient visits, strategic decisions that are more data-driven than ever. Technology is no longer optional in healthcare. Data management and security are now key requirements in the healthcare industry.

In order to drive successful transformation and leverage valuable data,

healthcare organizations need to unlock each of these challenges.

We are key partners in facilitating Dynacare's transition to delivering effective COVID 19 vaccination and testing practices, online booking, scheduling and sample tracking.  Their transformation is ongoing and they are embracing the power of Microsoft technologies to deliver better patient experiences.

Technology for Healthcare Organizations

Lets discuss how SylogistService and the Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare can help your organization

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